We invite you to share and explore your talents with us at St. Helena of the True Cross . All are welcome to become actively involved in the Mass. We are always looking for new faces among our Sacristans, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Cantors.
Sacristans carefully arrange the liturgical books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. He or she lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles and torches. As a Sacristan, you will be trained to prepare for liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed
for special days such as Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday. Any adult or teen is welcome to be a part of this minis- try. We invite and encourage everyone in the parish to consider this ministry.
Lectors will serve at weekend Masses and special liturgies by proclaiming the Word of the Lord to the parish community. Lectors have an appreciation of the Gospel message, understand the importance of the Ministry and are dedicated to effectively communicating God’s Message to His people. The Word of God is not merely read but pro- claimed. Effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction and appropriate pace. Any adult or teen with effective communication skills, who wants to absorb and express the spirit of the Liturgy, is welcome to be a part of this ministry. You will be trained in this important ministry.
Eucharistic Ministers
The Eucharist is the heart and center of the Catholic Christian Community. Ministers of the Eucharist should be people of prayer who have a special love for the Eucharist. They assist in distributing Communion at Masses and bringing Eucharist to the sick as needed. Ministers of the Eucharist should in every way demonstrate by their reverence for the Eucharist that they truly believe that this is not just bread and wine, but the very Body and Blood of the risen Lord. Their manner of dress, their respectful reverence, and their care with the Sacred Species are observed by all in the congregation. One accepts this responsibility knowing he or she is willing to carry it out with deep faith and a deep and awesome sense of God’s presence. The invitation to serve as Eucharistic Minister is open to all (baptized and confirmed) adult and teenage members of the parish. We encourage everyone in the parish to consider this ministry.
The commitment that is asked of a Sacristan, Lector or Eucharistic Minister is to serve at scheduled Masses in which they would already be participating. Training sessions are scheduled several times during the year.
Anyone interested in being a Sacristan, Lector or Eucharistic Minister or Cantor should complete the form above and place it in the collection basket or call the parish office.